
Showing posts from August, 2022

What historical data says about Inflation Vs Gold Price.

 Are you born in India? Then you may know the importance of gold better than any star rated college graduates, analysts in the world, isn't it? We hear from our elders to invest in gold, save in gold, gold never loses value. Is it really true? Gold has become an integral part of life of majority Indians. Be it a marriage, birthday or some of the festivals. Gold is gifted, bought and traded. Gold is considered as sign of wealth, a medium of showcasing richness, even as a security to pledge when we need some cash. Gold is status symbol. It has been in our of our lives since centuries. Since the ancient times the gold made men to reach the depths of the world. Here is just a list of current top 5 gold mines around the world. Name of Mine Production (‘000 ounces) Country Muruntau mine 2,000 Uzbekistan Carlin Trend 1,665 USA Olimpiada Mine 1,200 Russia